AFE - Approved Funded Expenditure
This table is a reference table and contains the AFEs available to the system. An AFE or Approved Funded Expenditure is designed so that it can be used for approved spending each year. However it is currently used as a basic cost code. And is not reviewed each year. Theorectically a new AFE would be created for each Business Unit for each year, rather like an annual Budget. It was designed with a view to being able to track purchase orders (expenses) against an AFE.
The AFE contains the following attributes:-
- Business Unit Code - A three character short code to identify the Business Unit
- Expense Type Code - generally "OPEX" for oeprational Expenses and CAPX for capital Expenditure. Others can be set up in conjunction with Finance as these are used for reference by the Financial System
- Year - This is the year for which this AFE is Valid.
- WBS - The Work breakdown structure as defined by Finance Dept.
- Mark as Inactive - A boolean code to show the status of the AFE.